What is the ticker symbol for Brixmor Property Group?
Brixmor’s stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol BRX.
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Can I buy shares directly through Brixmor?
Yes, you can purchase shares directly through the Dividend Reinvestment and Direct
Stock Purchase Plan which is administered by Computershare Trust Company. Plan inquiries
may be directed to: (877) 373-6374 or (781) 575-2879, if outside the United States.
click here to enroll in the plan, purchase shares of common stock and set
up dividend reinvestment and automatic additional investment.
A Prospectus is available by
clicking here.
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Does Brixmor offer a Dividend Reinvestment Plan?
Yes, we do. This program is administered by Computershare Trust Company. Plan inquiries
may be directed to: (877) 373-6374 or (781) 575-2879, if outside the United States.
click here to enroll in the plan, set up dividend reinvestment and automatic
additional investment and purchase shares of common stock.
A Prospectus is available by
clicking here.
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How can I find out how many shares of Brixmor I own?
Brixmor does not have access to individual shareholders’ account information. To
find out more about your holdings, please contact your personal broker or Brixmor’s
transfer agent, Computershare Trust Company, at
or 877.373.6374.
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Where can I find dividends paid on Brixmor’s stock?
A detailed dividend payment history for Brixmor common stock can be found on
Dividend History under Stock Information.
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When are dividends declared and paid?
Dividends are typically declared by the Company's Board of Directors on a quarterly basis. Dividends are typically paid in January, April, July and October.
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Where can I find Dividend Tax Treatment information and when does it become available?
Dividend tax treatment information is usually announced via press release in January.
The information is subsequently posted on the Stock Information tab under
Dividend Tax Treatment.
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How do I transfer shares of Brixmor stock to another person’s name?
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How do I transfer shares of Brixmor stock into a trust account?
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When does Brixmor’s fiscal year end?
December 31
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When does Brixmor report earnings?
Our earnings release dates and conference call times are posted on the Investor Relations section of our website on the Event Calendar, which is located under the News and Presentations tab. Approximately one month prior to our earnings results announcement, a press release containing the specific release date and time will be made available. Typical Release weeks are: April/May (for first quarter results), July/August (for second quarter results), October/November (for third quarter results) and February (for fourth quarter results).
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Where can I listen to webcasts of the most recent earnings conference call or past archived webcasts?
Webcasts for the most recent quarter are available on the Investor Relations home page. Additional webcast events and conference calls can be found by
clicking here.
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Does Brixmor issue quarterly reports?
Online copies of our quarterly earnings releases are available on our Financial Information tab under
Quarterly Supplementals. You can request hard copies of these releases and other Investor Relations materials
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Where can I find Annual Reports and Annual Shareholder Meeting Information?
The Annual Shareholder Meeting is typically held in April. Meeting details may be found in the front of Brixmor’s Proxy (DEF 14A) which is filed with the SEC in March of every year. For our current Proxy filing, please see SEC Filings under the Financial Information tab.
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Who should the media contact to set up an interview?
For property-related questions, please contact Kristen Moore at 212.869.3000. For corporate matters, please contact Stacy Slater at 212.869.3000.
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How can I request additional information from Brixmor?
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How can I receive email alerts from Brixmor?
To sign up for email alerts on our events, documents, press releases and closing stock price information, please see our
Email Alerts under Additional Info.
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